
Abstraction Licence Blog

In December 2017 DEFRA published the ‘Water Abstraction Plan’, aiming […]

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Nicholas Corp

Conservation Agriculture Considerations

Increases in fixed costs and concerns over soil health have […]

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Diversification: Is storage an option?

Possible future reductions in subsidy payments and pressures on farm […]

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Rebecca Mahony - Wilson Wraight

Woodland Creation Grant

For those businesses considering planting trees there is a Countryside […]

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Nicholas Corp

BPS 2018 – Temporary relaxation of EFA Winter Green Cover rules announced

England and the EU commission have agreed the following temporary […]

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Return to pastures old and a welcome to pastures new

In July 2018, Wilson Wraight bid farewell to Emma Benson, […]

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Financial Discipline Mechanism (FDM) Reimbursement

The Financial Discipline Mechanism is a system used to annually […]

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British Sugar ‘beet’ down price

British Sugar and the NFU have announced that the 2019 […]

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Giles Cooper - Wilson Wraight

Time to sell oilseed rape?

Oilseed Rape prices have risen from sub-£300 per tonne at […]

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Ben Skinner - Wilson Wraight

Bank of England increase base rate to 0.75%

The Government has today announced that, as expected, interest rates […]

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