Wilson Wraight Spring Webinar

Are you making the most out of your resources?


With the introduction of the Environmental Land Management Scheme, alongside the additional services that we can now offer at Wilson Wraight we held our first ever webinar to showcase how you could be ‘sweating your assets’.

We are always challenging ourselves and our clients on whether resources are working as hard as they could be – not only from a business perspective for farms but for the environment as well. Over the past 6 months we have welcomed Dan Hewett to head up our new planning consultancy, and Honor Eldridge our environmental specialist to offer further expertise for our clients.

Identifying Opportunities

As a team we are here to help our clients analyse on-farm data to maximise all assets and identify opportunities. Whether it’s the development of existing buildings for non-agricultural use, or identifying opportunities for farming grants, including ELM and the Countryside Stewardship.

Our Spring Webinar, hosted by Wilson Wraight Partner Will Mitcham, is for anyone who wants to get more from their land and open the possibilities of even greater performance. Missed it? Don’t worry you can watch our webinar below and for more information please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team.

Planning Services


Head of Planning at Wilson Wraight, Dan Hewett, opens the session with planning opportunities. Dan’s expertise extends to identifying land with future development potential, overseeing the submission of planning applications and appeals and managing promotion strategies to development plans.

We talk about how you can identify opportunities on your farm for both existing and new buildings, as well as other opportunities you may not have considered. Including:

  • Tourism
  • Renewable Energy
  • Class S permitted developments
  • Biodiversity Net Gain
  • Habitat Creation / Enhancement


WW Analytics


Are you making the most out of what you already have?

We hear from YAGRO Co-Founder Dan Jolly on the power of farm data in making informed decisions at field level.

A farmer’s son from Norfolk, Dan has always enjoyed understanding the decisions that determine farm business profitability. He co-founded YAGRO to build tools that help farms get value from their on-farm data, and drive farm performance. With the WW Analytics platform powered by YAGRO you can analyse field performance and manage each field as its own profit centre. Enabling you to make fully informed decisions for 2022 cropping with an average saving of £25 per Ha.


Environmental Assets


Wilson Wraight Environmental Consultant, Honor Eldridge, has been working as an agricultural consultant for leading sustainable farming organisations around the world for the last decade, specialising in climate sensitive farming and agri-environment policy. When it comes to sweating your environmental assets, Honor discusses ELM in more detail here, as well as other sustainable farming initiatives available.

Key areas to be aware of which could provide significant opportunities include:

  • Biodiversity Net Gain
  • Catchment Sensitive Farming
  • Woodland creation and Carbon credits


Watch Webinar