Woodland Creation
If you plan to create a woodland in England, then you may be eligible for the following grants from the Forestry Commission:
Woodland Creation Planning Grant –
This helps to pay for advice and guidance to enable a higher success in gaining approval and grant funding for the project as it ensures compliance with the ‘UK Forestry Standard’. It is more suited to larger sites although 5 hectares is the minimum size.
You can apply for up to £150/ha plus a 70% contribution to any environmental surveys that are needed, with a £30,000 cap per project.
People who currently claim Countryside Stewardship on the woodland are not eligible to apply for this.
England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) –
‘Public Money for Public Goods’ |
Open to applications all year round |
Minimum Size of 1ha |
The grant covers:
The standard capital costs for tree planting up to £8,500/ha | |
Permission to sell timber from the woodland for extra income. |
£300/ha annual maintenance payments for up to 10 years | |
Additional payments for: Nature recovery: £1,100 to £2,800 Water quality: £400 Reduced flood risk: £500 Riparian buffers: £1,600 Close to settlements: £500 Public access: £2,200
Allows you to sell the captured carbon to the government or on the open market every 5 or 10 years until 2055/56 allowing long term income from the woodland.
This is allowed to happen alongside other woodland creation grants.
If you are interested in further information about woodland grants then please contact Wilson Wraight