Wilson Wraight Autumn Webinar 2023: Has the landscape of UK Agriculture changed?
Wilson Wraight Autumn Webinar 2023: Has the landscape of UK Agriculture changed?
Wilson Wraight’s Annual Webinar, this year is falling in Autumn and tackles the challenges currently facing UK Agriculture.
The format of the morning is
- Chairman’s introduction – Nick Banks, from Scrutton Bland
- How has the landscape of UK Agriculture changed, a consultants viewpoint – Rachel Bush and Rachel Brooks
- How has the landscape of UK Agriculture changed, a planners viewpoint -Dan Hewett and Charlie Bixby
- Are the risks in farming now too great? – Ben Skinner
- DEFRA: Friend or Foe – is the grass greener on the other side? – George Atkin and Ewen Dangerfield
- Q & A
To register and view on the day or on catch up afterwards please click here