2024 SFI Expanded Offer

2024 SFI Expanded Offer

On May 21st DEFRA released the expanded SFI 2024 offer, here are the key links and information you need to know.

SFI 2024 Essentials

• Guidance manual for the SFI 2024 offer is available on the link here:
• The T&C’s are here
• There is a new ‘grant finder’ tool for the 2024 offer which gives full option detail, available here:

ELM (Environmental Land Management) – Umbrella term for government stewardship offering
SFI and CS Mid Tier have merged with some new options, so Environmental Land Management (ELM) now looks like this:

• SFI – 3-5 year agreements (2023 SFI + new actions + CSMT)
• CS Higher Tier 5-10 years more complex
• LR (Landscape Recovery) 20-year bespoke agreements

SFI 2024 Aim:

1. Protect environment
2. Support food production
3. Improve productivity

Misc Detail:

• Requirement for being eligible for BPS to enter SFI no longer applies

Endorsed Actions:

Most actions require no approval, some now require Natural England/Historic England approval they are called ‘endorsed actions’. The only action this currently applies to is species rich grassland, the others are coming later in 2024 (orchards, wet grassland, heritage, wood pasture etc)

25% Cap:

The 25% cap ‘limited area’ actions list has been expanded (additional options in green):
• Flower rich margins and plots
• Pollen and nectar flower mix
• Winter bird food on arable
• Grassy field corners
• Take improved grassland field corners out of management
• Winter bird food on grassland
• In-field grass buffer strips
• Bumblebird mix
• Unharvested cereal headlands
• Cultivated areas for arable plants

Options under consideration to add to 25% cap:
• Beetle banks
• Nesting plots for lapwing
• Manage woodland edges on arable land
• Create scrub and open habitat mosaics

If you have any questions or need help putting together an agreement please contact advice@wilsonwraight.co.uk

Published 23rd May 2024

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