RPA Proactive Land Changes Detection (PLCD)

The RPA are currently undergoing proactive remapping changes. They are updating current parcels from aerial imagery, OS maps and inspections between 16th August and October 2017, as the European commission dictates that maps must be updated every 3 years.
- The changes include parcel merges and splits, boundary accuracy and land cover changes, which may result in area changes. It is advisable to check all changes. If you do not agree with the changes, then an annotated sketch map and RLE1 stating it’s an ‘Unrequested change query’ should be submitted.
- Notifications will be send to the ‘messages’ tab on the Rural Payments portal when parcel changes are complete. Changes can be viewed on the parcel viewer within 48 hours of notification – parcels cannot then be viewed pre-change.
- Changes may impact on 2018 Stewardship applications. Natural England’s advice is to continue with the application based on the information Natural England provided and they shall incorporate mapping changes upon an applications success.
- If the changes will impact on current Stewardship schemes then Natural England should contact you directly.
- 2017 BPS applications do not need to be adjusted. In the event that changes result in reduced payment or penalties Recovery Action can be taken. It will not however be back dated for 2015 and 2016 claims.
If you require any further advice on how the PLCD will impact you or assistance with dealing with the changes then do not hesitate to get in touch with Wilson Wraight.