Planning Team Ends Year on a High
Planning Team Ends Year on a High
Our Planning Team ends the year with planning application and appeal successes this week including the following:
*Planning Application Granted: Change of use of a commercial building used for packaging dog food to a children’s nursery.
*Planning Appeal Allowed: Change of use of land to B8 storage for self-storage containers.
Head of Planning Dan Hewett comments that the appeal decision is particularly pleasing due to the poorly informed nature of the reasons for refusal which included a misinterpretation of the rationale behind the designation of ‘Quiet Lanes’. The Inspector came down firmly on our interpretation that they are designed to enable users to enjoy country lanes in greater safety and encourage drivers to respect more vulnerable road users, rather than being used as a tool to limit or significantly calm traffic. Unfortunately, the LPA saw fit to refuse and then defend their decision to refuse a small-scale diversification project in a rural area, which will be a cost picked up by the taxpayer.
Please contact our planning consultancy team to discuss any planning needs you may have. 01284 700727rn